Kansai Stainless Center Co., Ltd.

Kansai Stainless Center Co., Ltd.

Our precision cutting,
with over 40 years experience
and a history of achievement.

As a member of the Hokkai Group, a leading Japanese manufacturer of head plates, Kansai Stainless Center Co., Ltd, draws on over 40 years of experience and achievement to meet a wide variety of client needs. We are a stainless-specialized processing manufacturer, working from a precision cutting process using laser plasma through a shirring process. We are pursuing expanded possibilities for stainless processing in order to offer products that are higher quality, easier to use, at a faster rate.


We deeply appreciate your support.

In May, 2020, Kansai Stainless Center Co., Ltd. will celebrate its 50th anniversary. This is all due to your warm support. Thank you very much.

Our company was established in September 1970 with the joint enrollment of the Marubeni Corporation and Nippon Metal Industry Co., Ltd., following the Hokkai Group founder Yasutoshi Hayashi’s directive “we supply better stainless material faster.” Since the Hokkai Group gained our company management rights in 1981, we have maintained Hokkai’s business principle of “reliability and trust,” operating as one of the group’s constituent companies. We’ve developed original technologies, including precision cutting with laser plasma and a shirring process, and made efforts to improve both service and product quality as a stainless-specialized processing manufacturer.

As time passes, our clients’ needs expand, and we have to adapt to meet those needs, using advanced methods. We hold the motto “The client is always first” and work hard to supply the highest quality products.

We will maintain our gratitude to clients, working on new challenges and continual development so that we, the employees, can make our best contributions to clients. We hope you’ll continue to support and guide our business. Thank you.

Kansai Stainless Center Co., Ltd.
林 俊夫

About the company

Company name Kansai Stainless Center Co., Ltd.
Address 7-5, Rinkai-cho, Kishiwada-shi, Osaka 596-0013
TEL 81-72-437-1731
FAX 81-72-436-0500
Access map
Capital 30,000,000yen
Officers president - representative of directors / Toshio Hayashi
managing director / Takeshi Shinoda
director - factory manager / Kazumi Hyodo
part-time director / Takahiko Hayashi
corporate officer / Seiji Kotsugi
auditors / Mitsuyoshi Nakagishi
Number of employees 38
Factory scale 10,129 m²
Business contents Performs cutting of stainless steel materials and sales of head plates.
Establishment 9/24/1970

Access map

Kansai Stainless Center Co., Ltd.

7-5, Rinkai-cho, Kishiwada-shi, Osaka 596-0013
TEL 81-72-437-1731
FAX 81-72-436-0500

Access to Kishiwada area